Monday, June 15, 2009

I wont let it rain on my parade

I love rain, I think that growing up in Kentucky made me somewhat aquatic (even though I am also deathly afraid of fish). Rain in Kentucky is much different from rain in Utah. I used to love playing in the rain in Kentucky and would frequently go for romps through my neighborhood, splashing in puddles, becoming thoroughly drenched, and sometimes just laying down in the grass and mud. It was warm, familiar, and refreshing. It brings flowers, daffodils, tornadoes, and all sorts of pleasant things.

Utah rain is different.

I realized this from the first rain storm that occurred when I got to Utah. Unlike the bi-weekly rain storms that occur in Kentucky, Utah does not receive much rain. However, I still had my hopes up for the first rain storm and they were quickly dashed. In fact, I went running outside as I hadn't seen rain in weeks and I was immediately pelted with large globular water pellets. In fact, this rain wasn't just being hurled from the sky at insanely high speeds, it was COLD and quite unpleasant. I stayed outside for approximately half a minute before I couldn't take it any longer and I went back inside, letting my high hopes get washed away in the rain.

But I still love Utah. And the rain still brings beautiful things, I just don't go out in it.


Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I've often wondered what it is about Utah rain that I don't like, but I think you just articulated it for me.

As many times as we went mud sliding or puddle jumping in Kentucky...

melissa said...

but sometimes when it rains while it's sunny the utah rain is very inviting. right? right?