My room mate, Cami, recently pulled me into our room in order to show me some creepy crawlies on her bed. I have never had bed bugs before and I'm not sure if they have infested my half of the room yet, but I know that once upon a time Juan had them. Poor Juan. He had little red buggies crawling all over the place and they didn't even pay their half the of the rent. His landlords changed the mattresses, but since they didn't actually spray everything then there were still creepies crawling inconspicuously all over the place.
This reoccurring event makes me think on the topic of cohabitation in general. The art of living with others. I am in a microbiology class right now and we talk endless of microorganisms which are everywhere, but we can't see them.

Generally speaking, I enjoy living with others. I come from a family of nine children (there have since been additions, but I haven't ever lived with them, so for the purposes of emphasizing my point, we won't discuss them). I remember growing up and never being alone. Even if there weren't any siblings around (a rare occurrence) there were neighborhood children or friends roaming about. I never ran out of playmates and I never avoided being constantly teased. I had a friend who was an only child and I never understood what that would be like. If you didn't have siblings you would actually have to make an effort to make friends.
We were also a very touchy lot, which is good, because I think that is how I feel love. According to the "Languages of Love" I receive love through touch and time. So my family was perfect for me, we gave massages, we slept together, even just sitting around on the couch we were usually touching. This is why I one day want to have children and lots of them. I miss having my family around and having people to hold all the time.
Cohabitation, count me in.