Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It was the return that was shocking. I had planned for 21 years to go on a mission and so although there were challenges and many things to over come, a language to learn, a culture to immerse myself in, a people to teach and a slough of other things to take care of, it all came and was taken care of.
But being back was a different story. Who had prepared me for this? For the yearnings of Korean food and no one understanding me when I spoke and no one being as excited to see me as they should have been. No one really even seemed to care that I had just spent the past year and a half in another country changing myself.

But as I sat down with some of my favorite people to play one of my favorite games I remembered how much I really do love my family, even if they aren't Korean (yet). I remembered that there is always time to go back and visit Korea. 


Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I am excited for you to be back, it just hit the busiest part of student teaching semester. After next week though, I am taking you out to lunch.

Rowboat said...

i think i understand. it's hard to come back and see that peoples'lives continued, progressed, and evolved, and weren't put on hold like yours kind of was when you went on your mission. people do appreciate that you're back, and you are greatly loved. you may see that more in retrospect though. come visit oregon and i will love you all over the place!

Angie said...

ㅎㅎ 자매님 !!! 친차 이해해요! I spent so long basing my life on prepairing for a mission and was so into being on a mission that after has been a whirlwind simmilar to doom but maybe more sunny.